Buy Fan Art… Help people!

Not too long ago, Pittsburgh-based artist (and friend… and fan!) Zeus approached me about doing a piece for Shutterdown. Well, far be it for us to turn down fan art! Especially when the fan art is coming from someone as talented as Zeus…

Behold! This is what he came up with after listening to the EP on loop (for probably longer than is healthy). We think it’s pretty darn fantastic… Look! It’s a Victrola! And an eel!

Being an altruistic sort, Zeus declined any sort of financial compensation for his work… so we’ve decided we’re going to make it into a poster and sell it – donating part of the proceeds to the charity near and dear to our good friend’s heart: Amnesty International.

So get your very own Shutterdown poster… get some fabulous art… AND help some people out in the process. It’s a trifecta of awesome!

The posters will be available for purchase beginning in September either at shows or by contacting us until we get the merch section of the site up-and-running.

Also, be sure to hit up Zeus for more info about his art and other projects!
FB: Benjamin Zeus Barnett
Email: jove444 (at)